So this is what happens when Meg gets bored…

Brainmates Comic

Now we’re a comic strip! I’m on the left and Linds is on the right. I think that’s about as accurate a representation of us as you’re ever going to get without being in the same room.

Happy Friday, bitches beloved readers!

Meg & Linds

12 thoughts on “So this is what happens when Meg gets bored…

  1. OMG! This just made my entire weekend. You are so hysterical and you both look adorable!!

  2. Loved it… Cute little feet looking sideways made me smile…. And thanks for giving B*****s Eric Northman…

  3. Happily waves my hand to be counted as one of the bitches (I mean beloved readers) that definitely love Eric Northman, and love that you give him to us…. Over and over again!

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